So here you go. This was me for the last few years...
Don't I look sad? I was especially sad all those times when I sat in this car on the side of the road, waiting for someone to come and rescue me.
But today, I have something to be happy about. I've gotten a major upgrade! Check me out!
Don't I look so much happier?
Okay, maybe it wasn't worth the suspense, but I wanted to have pictures to share, and I couldn't resist teasing you. What? Were you thinking I was pregnant or something?
Saturday we went van shopping. I, like Valerie, never wanted to be a van-momma. I've always tried to figure out how we could have 4 kids and a comfy car. (Maybe I'm thinking hard now about the four kids.) I used to be seriously stressed thinking about having to resort to a van one day. And now, here I am, with my ONE child and driving a van. I'm liking it though. It's a 2005 Toyota Sienna. By far the nicest thing I've ever driven. And this, for the record, is only the second car I've ever owned. The ol' escort has fared me well, but I was definitely ready to move on.