I put him on the bed to watch cartoons so I could take a shower before we left for a wedding. I knew I should have checked on him. I thought about checking on him. I called out to ask if he was okay, but I never actually, physically opened the shower curtain to lay eyes on him. When I finished and finally opened the curtain, he had Gilbert's razor in his hand. He was smiling. Not mischievously. Just smiling like he was glad to see me. It wasn't until I started the, "Oh, my goodness! Are you okay? We don't play with Daddy's razor!" that he even considered something might be up. I checked him over for blood. I checked hands, and then I noticed a small spot of red on his cheek. I calmly told him we were going to go clean up his boo-boo. It wasn't until I started cleaning that I realized how long it was and that he had a little nick also on his lip. Then the tears started. Not his. Mine. He said, "Sad, Mommy? You okay? You okay?" Then he started kissing me. The more tears I cried, the more he kissed. He nuzzled his face against mine while I washed his cut. It was the sweetest thing.
I needed my blogging family to tell me stories of ridiculous parent blunders that resulted in injuries so I didn't feel so bad. I for sure didn't want to drag him to that wedding so I could tell over and over the story about how I took a shower while my two year old played with a razor. But I did. And I don't think anybody scowled at me like I thought they would. A few even shared stories of their own mistakes. So I guess I'm over it. Until next time I look at that sweet, marred face. Which will be, like, in the next 10 seconds.
I don't think I even need to start on my awful mommy stories...this would be a LONG comment! But suffice it to say, in the words of the great (ahem) Michael Jackson, "You are not alone..."
And I totally sympathize with you crying while he is fine. I've done that many times when I realized how bad things COULD have been because of my stupidity, and how THANKFUL I am that the injuries weren't worse. It's truly a miracle that ANY of us (parents or children) survive as long as we do!
Hi, Kate! It's Kelsey from church! I just found your blog... and I put up some pictures on mine from when I had Cole for a few minutes at the wedding. He went straight for my camera when he sat on my lap, so we took a few and they are so adorable! :)
My friend's nephew got into his dad's razor last week too. And he sustained a few more injuries than Cole did, haha! It looked like a cat had attacked his face... so Cole is WAY better in that case! :)
And anytime you need a babysitter... call me! :) I'd be happy to watch him.
Just today I was an "awful mommy" too. We went swimming at the Tyree home. I sat Zoe down on the bench to eat her snack. I sat down right in front of her, you know just incase she fell b/c she's not used to sitting in that type of seat.... well, she fell backwards right between the seat and the back of the bench. She hit her head on the concrete... you know the kind with the gravel in it? She has a goose-egg all b/c her mommy put her in an unsafe place.
I'm not sure who cried more, me or her.
Well, with 10+ years of mommy-hood under my belt so far, I don't even know where to begin with things I have done to my poor children! LOL Accidentally clipped skin instead of just nails when first trimming baby fingernails is probably what had me crying the most (my poor little newborns....and I managed to do it to BOTH of them! EEK!). My only consolation for the things I have done over the years is that I have NOT done what my own mother did.....she stepped over my brother (who was lying on the floor) and as her foot came down he moved. She was unable to stop her momentum and landed on his leg....and ended up with a broken leg. So I figure as long as I never do something that extreme......
Just to make you feel somewhat better, I shut my own 14 month old's little finger in the door and had to take him to the er to get 4 stitches in his little bitty finger! You are definitely not alone :)
I'm sorry that you had that experience but as you can see, you aren't alone! There have been many blunders in our house (and out) in which our children have been injured. I like to think of them as educational moments (makes me feel better - LOL). Actually, what I wanted to say was that we are human and our failings will be many (more for some of us, less for others). I continue to pray that God will heal my children (heart, soul AND body) where I fail them (because I will and do). We all know that you love Cole and that he is in good hands. Try taking your son to ER and have him report, "My mom slammed my arm in the car door" when they ask what happened (humbling - I think they may have checked him all over a little better than normal - even after I gave the rest of the story!). Anyway, God will take care of our children where we fall short - THANKFULLY! Hang in there, you are NOT an awful mom! Just one with a healthy, curious little boy who learned a lesson and will have pictures and stories to laugh about with his wife and parents someday! :^} I hope you have a great day! Take care, Jacqueline
Oh I can't take it all! These sweet stories just make me cry! What a lover he seems to be! I have a feeling Proverbs 31:28 is in your future, my dear...
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