
More funny conversations with Cole

Conversation #1:
Gilbert's getting ready for work and Cole walks in while he's putting gel in his hair.
Cole: Daddy, what you doing?
Gilbert: Putting gel in my hair.
C: Why?
G: So I can pick up chicks.
Later, at the mall:
Kate: Cole, we need to go show Daddy your new glove and bat (Yeah, the real deal. I couldn't say no.)
C: No, Daddy's picking up chicks.

Conversation #2:
K: Cole, it's bed time.
C: No, I don't need to go to bed. I happy.

Conversation #3:
After finishing his bedtime story:
C: Mom, you lay down with me?
K: Not tonight. I'm going to go downstairs.
C: No. You tired. Let me see...(as he pokes his fingers into my mouth and pries my jaws open) Yeah. Your mouth is tired. Let me see... Eww! You got dirt in your mouth!
K: Uh-oh. What should I do? Brush my teeth?
C: No. Spit it out.
Then, after he schools me in the right way to spit dirt out into his hand:
C: I'll put it in the flowers tomorrow.

Love, love, loving this age. I need to be writing more down.


Jeanne said...

What a funny little man! (And Cole's pretty hilarious, too!) haha

Seriously, it's great that you're writing down these conversations...they are priceless. Enjoy!

I always loved little 3 year old boys...the cutest!!!

Holly said...

I love it! Cole will have so much to teach his little brother. . . Tommy insisted I take Jess into the bathroom with him so he could demonstrate how boys potty. . . because "you can't teach him, Mama. You're a girl."

Nia said...

Look at him in that little wife-beater shirt! Is he already practicing picking up chicks?

Lindy said...

He is so stinking cute, and sounds like he is pretty funny too! I love reading your stories about the things he says and does.

p.s. this is one of your bff's from B'port, my alias on here is Dixie, long story, but it is L.Hale

Terri said...

Love, love, love these conversations --- and that you are keeping track of them! You're awesome!

Deaton, party of 5 said...

What a vivid imagination =)!!! I need to start blogging about my interesting conversations with my boys =). How ya feeling???