
An Update

Well, I didn't get the English position that I interviewed for, but my prayer the whole time has been that God will give me the perfect place to be, so I'm just thankful to know that this isn't the perfect place for me.

The better news is that the word at the rumor mill is that there are two counseling positions in the county system that will be open. Neither are posted to the public yet, but I have spoken to a couple of my teacher friends from church about the middle school counseling position and they are going to put in a good word for me there. (Both are connected to the principal in some way.) I'm keeping my eyes peeled constantly for the new openings so I can pounce on them, but I haven't seen them yet.

What has been so great is all the people at church who are helping with my search. I get random phone calls and emails at various times from people saying, "Hey. I just heard about a position at such-and-such." Or people walk up to me at church and say, "I heard that this place has someone retiring." I have had lots of people offer to drop my name into the ears of the powers-that-be at schools all over the place, even to the point of badgering the principals they work with. I can't believe how willing people are to help me out. Just another reason I know that we are truly loved around here. And the feeling's mutual.


Chadwukie said...

I found your blog through Gilbert's but I will probably read yours more often, I am kind of "theologied" out!
You and Gilbert need to get on Facebook, there is a many of old RFC'ers on there, there is even a group started by yours truly. Miss you and hope all is well.

grace and peace,


Terri said...

I know that God has a plan for you. I will be praying for you. Totally off subject, but don't know if you've been watching American Idol or not, but David Cook totally reminds me of Gilbert! Not sure why, maybe its because I know he used to rock it out in a band, but I think their mannerisms are the same in some ways. Anyway just thought I would share.