
One of those melt-your-heart moments

My boy. I am SO PROUD of him! May I brag for a minute? He is so sweet and polite. He is really very good at pleases and thank-you's. Thank-you's especially. About a quarter of the time he has to be told that a thank-you is appropriate. The rest of the time, he does it on his own. It's not perfectly clear, but it's said in his own precious way, and everyone understands what he means.

Today we were in the middle of our usual morning routine. Gilbert had come downstairs for breakfast and turned on SportsCenter. Cole and I quickly followed. As we sat and ate our oatmeal, we watched along with Gilbert (an Encore of the Cubs sweep!). When Gilbert finished seeing what he was interested in, he changed the channel to Disney, where one of our favorite shows was on--Bunnytown. As the two of us watched for a few minutes, Gilbert cleaned up his dishes and started to make his way upstairs. When he was probably halfway up my sweet boy yelled, "Daddy?" When Gilbert responded he then said, "Thank you. Bunnies." Like he realized how thankful he was to be watching it and just had to show his gratitude. Talk about your heart melting. I'm talking puddle-status.


Carla said...

How sweet!!!!! That is a heart breaker!

Jeanne said...

Awww...I'm tearing up, too! That is just the sweetest, most precious thing!

It's moments like these that totally make up for any trouble these children/grandchildren of ours may cause...

Love you guys!

Rick said...

"Thank you. Bunnies" very cute. A moment to remember. AND thank God for bunnies too.

Emily said...

He's got the best manners! That is so tender!