I mean, I love my boy. I don't have to tell you all that, but he's wearing me out. And to those who say that stay at home moms should be responsible for all the housework and should be able to get dinner ready every night, poo on them. By the time Gilbert gets home--wait, by the time lunch time rolls around, the house is wrecked. If I tried to clean it up throughout the day, it would do no good. My best option is to wait until 8, when Cole's in bed, and clean it up then, just like I did when I was working everyday.
Now, since Sandra P. has requested pictures, I thought I'd give you a little slide show of a typical day, just for the sake of humor:
Here's Cole checking out the cabinets. We now have locks on this one.
Helping with the laundry...
Making a Cheerio trail in case he needs a snack later...
Tired of hearing "no" too much... (It is hard being a baby.)
Assisting with meals...
Finally playing with real toys.
But at the end of the day, I've gotta ask...
Who wouldn't LOVE to do what I do with this sweet boy every day?
Ah, yes...they stay-at-home mom....now you know why there's so few of us! Truly, though....yes, it is exhausting, but I don't think there's another job out there that would be so fun too! Now if I could just get paid....
BTW, just a little FYI...although Cole was an absolute angel during first service on Sunday, the nursery is staffed during then as well as 2nd service. It's just preschool worship & children's church that's not available during 1st service.
I love those radio commericals! Here's to you Oh Master of Motherhood =). My kids can destroy the house in one fail swoop and manage to cover every inch with a toy. I feel like I pick up all day long--a toy hop needs to be invented. Great post!
That last picture of Cole is the SWEETEST!!!
What a good writer you are! I guess I shouldn't be surprised, but wow...You should write books. I am really impressed.
How sweet is Cole? I really do see some similarities between him and Mamie. Love you, Jess
Sometimes I think life would be easier if no one was at home during the day, however to think about all the wonderful memories that are made during the crazy hours of the day. We would not have stories to tell to future wives or to our future grandkids. Enjoy the craziness of being a stay at home mom, it doesn't last forever.
AWESOME final picture! I also "poo" on those who say that by the end of the day a stay at home mom should have showered, cleaned the house, ran errands, cooked dinner, played with baby, paid bills, folded/washed the laundry, put away the laundry and so on and so on. I've just decided that I don't have much time to just stay at home with Zoe and play! So, we play!
What a cute baby. The most beautiful I've ever seen.
They say that a stay at home mom should make around a $100,000 a year because of all the many tasks we do day in and day out. But isn't it fun (and exhausting) to see how your little spends his day and how fast they learn and grow on a daily basis. Enjoy it while you can because there is always tomorrow to do the housework and the other millions of things on our To Do List!!
I remember when Todd worked from before the kids got up till after they were asleep at night. They were one and two and I used to go to Walmart and buy something just to have adult interaction with a cashier. We lived where we didn't really know anyone. I kind of know what you mean. But, I didn't miss anything. I'm glad you get to be with Cole right now!
Just a word on behalf of stay-at-home dad:
When I have Hannah on Tuesdays, I feel much the same way. I want to have things at least straightened up, but there's not much need to clean up at nap time because it will be strown out by the time Ashley gets home. It is like making the bed, why bother. The other thing, why do we buy toys for our kids when they only want to play in our kitchen cabinets. I am buying Hannah some kitchen appliances for Christmas.
I often tell my family that I need a pay raise. Housework is a full time job. Thanks so much for the pics. They made a crummy Monday much better.
Lots of love,
Sandra P.
P.S. Keep the pictures coming.
I think I have some version of all those pics of Jackson as well! I love it though. I wouldn't trade being at home for anything. Hope y'all are doing well. Take care.
Those are some precious photos! Believe me...I stayed at home with 3 and now Melanie is doing it with 3, soon to be 4...Being a full-time stay-at-home mom is definitely not for weenies!!! But, honestly...I am so thankful I was able to do it! Love you guys!
You are so funny! I know exactly how you feel. Tommy was 2 when he discovered cartoons. I know some mothers will frown on tv-watching, but some days I can't wait until 11:30 when Caillou is on! On cold, rainy days with nothing to do, he watches more than one episode(gasp)! Hang in there--you are doing a great job!
Eat your CHEERIOS for GO!
Make some RICE CRISPIE treats and enjoy.
KIX to just kick the toys in toybox.
SPECIAL K for extra vitamins.
BRAN or RAISIN BRAN for the sucking up and busting all the crap out.
Then there is OATMEAL to get rid of the clods in your veins.
APPLE JACKS where an Apple a day keeps the doctor away.
PUFFED RICE to get over the puffy bloated feeling sometimes.
FRUITY PEBBLES just because they taste so good.
CORN FLAKES for the many more flaky times you will have in life.
HEALTHY CHOICE so you can say, "I made a good choice today dear."
And get LUCKY CHARMS--we need all the luck we can get.
To TOTAL up the day---these will be gone soon and you'll realize life really is short and I could have blowed it by working all the time. Now go get some CHEX and write one out for all the blessings you've received today, then send it to me if you can catch me.
Bye, Mary Katherine Kate Paris Kerrigan.
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